Damn I Got Old Quick PATCH Iron On Embroidered Funny – 3 x 1.5 inch


Funny patch “Damn I Got Old Quick” Iron On Embroidered
Item measures: Approximately 3 x 1.5 inch
Mint condition brand new patch.


This funny patch for old other people says “Damn I Were given old Fast”. Embroidered in white over black the patch measures 3×1.5 inches. The Patch is Embroidered. Embroidered Patches are often referred to as iron on appliques, stitch on badges, insignias, or trademarks. It is a stitch on patch, it features die cut borders. You’ll warmth press or stitch in this patch. Add a customized look to straightforward old clothes you wear with iron on patches. Instructions For applying Iron on Patch: 1. Set the iron to a hot cotton setting. 2. Place the patch within the desired location and canopy with a skinny piece of material. 3. Iron and apply firm pressure calmly at the patch for about 30-40sec. 4. Iron the other aspect for about 20-30sec to fortify. 5. When washing flip your garment within out and use a gradual wash cycle.
Funny patch “Damn I Were given Old Fast” Iron On Embroidered
Item measures: Approximately 3 x 1.5 inch
Mint condition modern patch.
My embroidered patches are made with prime quality thread and are mechanically cleanable/dryable, in addition to dry-cleanable.
We ship straight away. 99.8% of orders arrive before expected date.













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